AP Sensing Provides Bus Duct Monitoring Solution for Data Center
Recently, a major US-based cloud computing provider was looking for a busway temperature monitoring solution for their European hub. Specifically, they were looking for a continuous monitoring solution for the busway runs between switchrooms and the data hall. This facility had evolved over time and is operating as a modern cloud provider for their German network.
In order to streamline the daily maintenance process, AP Sensing's Continuous Bus Duct Temperature Monitoring (CBTM) solution was retrofitted for Schneider 2000A busways spanning across the switch room and data hall. In the event of an overheating bus duct, the cloud provider wanted to be informed and able to identify the location of the hotspot. This knowledge facilitates an immediate decision about whether further investigation and physical access into the secure area are required.

AP Sensing collaborated with STS Group for deployment of speciality sensor cable and one fiber optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) device with four channels, each channel monitoring up to approximately two km per channel. While the cloud facility was in full operation, the fiber optic sensor cable was carefully fitted along the required 2000A ampacity busway using non-metallic fasteners devised by STS Group.