AP Sensing performs successfully in Tunnel Fire Tests
AP Sensing recently took part in fire safety tests conducted by the Brandschutz Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft Leipzig mbH (BCL) inside the Kriegsstraßentunnel in Karlsruhe, Germany. To precisely detect the fires, two Linear Heat Detection (LHD) systems were commissioned in a single ended configuration, with one channel each and a four km range.

In eleven tests, two different test scenarios simulated a blazing tunnel fire.
Simulating a burning vehicle coming to a standstill, in the first RABT standard compliant experiment four steel tubs with petrol were set on fire with a clear mission: to locate the fire within 60 seconds. AP Sensing's LHD system precisely identified the fire in under 30 seconds after ignition – less than half of the required time.
For a traffic jam simulation, a car dummy was ignited with gas and the ventilation system on the ceiling was tested. In every test run, AP Sensing’s LHD solution recognized the fire faster than the smoke detectors in the tunnel – even though the heat release was much lower compared to the petrol fire. And all of this while monitoring the smoke exhaust faultlessly.