Our employees, customers, suppliers and all other interested parties are our most valuable assets. We recognize that building a long-term business relationship with you depends to a large extent on trust. This trust begins with our commitment to respect and protect your privacy.

The legal foundation for handling your confidential and personal data are - amongst others, the latest revisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and German national law, such as the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the Telemediengesetz (TMG).

We shall be compliant to these legal requirements.

We shall not sell or buy confidential or personal data, even if this might be legal under certain conditions.

We shall protect all confidential or personal data from unauthorized access by implementing state-of-the-art security measures.

We shall only process personal data if required to fulfill a certain task and for a legitimate purpose.

To offer transparency about the data we store and process, this Privacy Statement, AP Sensing Terms of Sale & Purchasing as well as Employee information on Data Protection and Processing shall be made easily available for all parties with a legitimate interest.

All AP Sensing staff is requested to support these objectives in their daily work and follow the relevant procedures in place.

Clemens Pohl - Managing Director
Boeblingen, Germany, July 2024

Privacy Statement

This statement was last revised on July 5th, 2024.

AP Sensing GmbH, a limited liability company under German law, having its principal place of business at Herrenberger Str.130, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany and its affiliated group companies (also referred to in this document as "AP Sensing") provides this Privacy Statement to make you aware of our privacy practices and the choices you can make about how your personal information is collected and used, both on-line and off-line. By using our services, you agree that we, AP Sensing, acquire, process and use data as listed and described below. To make this notice easy to access, it is available at the bottom of every AP Sensing web page.

The legal foundation for handling your personal data is - amongst others, the latest revisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and German national law, such as the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the Telemediengesetz (TMG). In this Data Privacy Statement, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within our website.

We have structured our web site so that you can visit us without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. In this Privacy Statement, personal information that is uniquely assignable to a person, such as name, address, e-mail address, phone number, IP address, etc. is referred to as personal information. If you do share your personal information with us, you can be assured that it will only be used to support your relationship with AP Sensing. Any sharing of personal data is on a voluntary basis.

AP Sensing's privacy statement covers 14 main areas: Fundamentals, Choice and revocation, Third Countries Transfer, Access & Accuracy, Data Security, Duration of storage and retention periods, How AP Sensing Uses Cookies, Registration, Marketing Tools and Additional Information. These areas are described in detail below. Please keep in mind that our privacy practices may vary as required by local laws and policies. Comments or questions about our privacy practices can be sent to:

Responsible in the legal sense of any privacy laws:
AP Sensing GmbH
Managing Director: Clemens Pohl (CEO)
Herrenberger Str. 130
71034 Boeblingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7031 309 6610
Place of Incorporation: Boeblingen -- Commercial Register Stuttgart: HRB 72 48 80
VAT ID: DE 256976415

Data Protection Officer:
Nicole Paredes
AP Sensing GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 130
71034 Boeblingen, Germany

Data Protection Authority in Baden-Württemberg, Germany:
Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg
Address: Lautenschlagerstraße 20, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Postal address: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 61 55 41 0

Responsible in the legal sense of any Whistleblow laws:
Whistleblow Protection Officer: Nicole Paredes
Whistleblow Protection Assistant: Alf Clement
AP Sensing GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 130
71034 Boeblingen, Germany

1 Fundamentals

What information we collect (Art. 5 et seq. GDPR)

During the course of your relationship with us, we may collect, process and use personal information to enable you to order products or services, download software updates, make requests, and register for customized communications programs. Personal data consists of all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, means data that is an expression of a person’s identity. We may collect such personal data as your name, contact and transaction information, payment data and IP address. To tailor our subsequent communications to you and improve our products and services, we may ask you to provide information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our products and contact preferences. Personal information may be required to determine access eligibility for certain restricted parts of our site. Data collected online may be combined with information provided offline. Following the requirements to avoid or to minimize any unnecessary data storage, we only collect data needed to reasonably run our business or to meet any legal requirements. For individual services, such as use of applications we may also collect information that is necessary to visit, use or navigate these services. This information may include device and usage information or location data. You will be informed separately within these services about the data collection and all relevant information. Personal data is only collected when there is either a statutory legal basis to do so or if you have given your consent and it will be deleted after expiration of the statutory retention period, after discontinuation of the purpose of data collection or upon request.

How we collect personal data

AP Sensing collects personal information in several ways. Either you choose to provide us the information on our website, in person, on the phone or electronically. Furthermore, we may now or in the future receive such information from third parties that legally acquired such information and that are entitled to share it with us (e.g. we may receive contact data from a relevant trade show). AP Sensing uses cookies and other technologies such as web beacons, local shared objects, local storage, e-tags, and JavaScript, to collect online usage information. Please review AP Sensing´s Cookie Policy under section 7 for more information. Certain AP Sensing software or cloud-based applications collect software user information via an automatic data feed when connected to the internet. Specific information about which personal data is collected by a particular software product is available in the documentation associated with that product.

How we use the information (Art. 5 et seq. GDPR)

AP Sensing uses your personal information to understand your needs and provide you with better services. Specifically, we use your personal information to help you complete a transaction, to communicate back to you, provide updates on service and benefits, and to personalize our web sites and communications with you. Bank information is only used for payment processing and is not retained for other purposes. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research or to provide you with marketing information we think would be of particular interest. We will always give you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such contact. If you would like to read more about how to opt-out, please follow the directions given below in the "Choice and revocation" section of this document. On occasion AP Sensing may employ technologies that enable us to review which recipients have opened our e-mail communications and which links they have accessed in the message. This helps us to tailor our communications in our attempts to send you the most relevant information, as local laws and your preferences and permissions allow. If registered user, we may also monitor your web browsing session while you are logged-in to This helps us to improve our web site through personalization to better meet your needs. Any such monitoring is done in accordance with local laws.

With whom we share the information (Art. 28 GDPR)

AP Sensing does not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to others. Unless we have your agreement or are required by law, we only share your personal information with other AP Sensing entities or external service providers who are acting as processors on our behalf for the uses described above or such as sales and marketing services, payment handling, programming, data hosting, and hotline services. We have chosen those service providers carefully and monitor them on a regular basis, in particular regarding their diligent handling of and protection of the stored data. Such AP Sensing entities and service providers are governed by our privacy policies and the statutory provisions with respect to the use of this data and are bound by the appropriate confidentiality agreements.

What rights you do have regarding your personal data (Art. 7, 12 et seq. GDPR)

Without your consent, we will not collect or process your personal information. Your consent can be revoked at any time. You have the right to get information at any time and free of charge on stored data on your person. This includes the source and beneficiary of personal data and the purpose for the collection and processing of this data. Furthermore, you have the right to get your personal data corrected, updated, blocked out, deleted or the processing limited. Excluded is data which needs to be archived for legal reasons or for the purpose of correct business transactions. We would also like to draw your attention to your right of appeal to a supervisory authority. For all questions or requests for correction, block out or deletion of personal data please contact our data privacy officer using the contact data above.

2 - Choice and revocation (Art. 7 GDPR)

AP Sensing will not use or share your personal information in ways unrelated to the ones described above without first notifying you and requesting your consent, which you can revoke at any time. We will also provide you the opportunity to let us know if you wish to opt-out at any time of certain or all contact from AP Sensing, and we will do everything we can to honor such requests. This choice may be offered at the bottom of our online or offline communications to you as well as on many of our web registration pages. If you have any difficulty exercising your choices, please send your request to

Should we ever need to share your personal information with third parties that are not acting on our behalf and governed by our privacy policy, your consent will be secured beforehand.

3 - Third Countries Transfer (Art. 44 et seq. GDPR)

Subject to your permission or as permitted by law, we might transfer personal data to recipients located outside the European Economic Area (EEA) into so-called third countries. In such cases, prior to the transfer we ensure that the data recipient provides an appropriate level of data protection. You are entitled to receive an overview of third country recipients. This may be done to consolidate data storage or to simplify the management of customer information. We will take all necessary measures to protect your personal information in accordance with this privacy notice and applicable law.

4 - Access and Accuracy (Art. 5, 16 GDPR)

AP Sensing strives to keep your personal information accurate. We will provide you with access to your personal information, including making every effort to provide you with online access to your registration data so that you may review, update or correct your information at the AP Sensing site where it was submitted. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or enabling you to make corrections. To access your personal information, return to the web page where you originally entered it and follow the instructions on that web page. If you cannot access your information on the web page, please telephone AP Sensing for assistance, or send your request to

5 - Data Security (Art. 25 GDPR)

As a certified ISO 27001 company, AP Sensing is committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of personal information, we have implemented appropriate and reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure it. The use of HTTPS and SSL-encryption for transmission of all sensitive data ensures a high level of data security. Nevertheless, we do not want to miss to point out to the general dangers of using the internet, on which we do not have any influence. Especially the use of email communication without further precautions is not secure.

6 - Duration of storage and retention periods (Art. 5 GDPR)

Principally, we store your data as long as it is necessary to render our services, to fulfil contractual obligations, with your consent or a legitimate interest in storing the data. In all other cases we will delete your personal data with exception for data that we are obliged to store to be compliant with legal obligations, such as retention periods under tax law or commercial codes for which we are required to keep certain documents available for a certain period of time.

7 - How AP Sensing Uses Cookies

One of the major concerns about stored cookies is the fear that they contain personal information and information identifying you that could be accessed by other web sites.

A cookie is a small text file either stored temporarily in your browser's memory space (session cookie) or placed on your computer's hard drive (stored cookie). Cookies allow a web application to respond to you as an individual, but without the need to identify you explicitly. Session cookies are destroyed when you terminate your browsing session by shutting down your browser. Stored cookies often have a predetermined expiration date after which they disappear from your hard drive.  We distinguish between cookies that are mandatorily required for the technical functions of the online service and such cookies and tracking mechanisms that are not mandatorily required for the technical function of the online service.

Cookie Usage

Technically required cookies are necessary for the technical provision of the online service. These include e.g. cookies that store data to ensure smooth reproduction of video or audio footage. We also use not technically required cookies, such as marketing cookies or tracking mechanisms for which prior consent is necessary.

On occasions AP Sensing may use cookies to analyze web traffic or to improve your web navigation experience. To facilitate the analysis, an ID is assigned to help us uniquely identify you each time you return to our web site. We only store a randomly chosen unique ID number and a context, both of which are meaningless to others, but help us uniquely identify you.  
By gathering and remembering information about your preferences, the web application can:

Cookies help us provide a better web experience by letting us monitor what is working and what is not through site traffic analysis. AP Sensing wants to be sure you understand that accepting a cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any personal information about you, other than the data you chose to share with us. This practice is strictly enforced. While acknowledging the concerns that some visitors have about cookie usage, we believe that the benefit our webpage visitors gain from the use of cookies is worthwhile.

Reviewing Cookie Settings

Cookies can be removed explicitly through functionality built into most web browsers. You may also set your web browser (see below) to notify you of cookie placement requests, ask for permission to accept them, decline cookies completely or withdraw afterwards your previously given consent by reviewing your cookies settings on our website.


8 - Registration

If you choose to register your product(s) in our password protected customer portal to get the latest firmware and other updates, you can do so by filling out the registration form on our web page with mandatory contact name, email address, company name, product serial number and by assigning a password. Company address and phone number information are by choice. By registering, you agree as a user that we, AP Sensing GmbH acquire, process, and use the registered data as described. You always have the choice to opt-out and get your personal data updated or removed from our data base by contacting our data privacy officer under the contact information above.

9 - Marketing Tools

By using tracking mechanisms, we are able to show you personalized offerings, resulting from an analysis of your interests and user behavior. Please note that using the tools might include transfer of your data to recipients outside of the European Economic Area (e.g. the USA). For more details in this respect please refer to the following description of the individual marketing tools:


When you subscribe to the newsletter you can, if you wish, specify areas of interest. We will use this information, along with your first name, last name, and email address, to select information that will be of particular interest to you. We only pass data collected in connection with the newsletter registration to third parties insofar as this is technically necessary for sending out the newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time. To do this, simply click on the "unsubscribe" link available in each of our newsletters. Afterwards, you will receive no further newsletters from us, and your subscription data will be removed from the database. The newsletter will be distributed via Intuit Mailchimp with headquarter in 2700 Coast Ave, Mountain View, CA. 94043 and its privacy statement under .

Facebook, LinkedIn Plugin

Our website features only image links of social networks, such as Facebook (Meta) or LinkedIn. The provider, including affiliates outside of USA, is Facebook Inc. (Meta Platforms, Inc.), with headquarter in 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA and LinkedIn Corporation, with headquarter in 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, respectively. See the privacy policy under  and . At no time are data transmitted from our website to the respective operators of the social network without this being initiated by the user.

YouTube Videos

On some of our web pages Youtube videos are embedded or image links to Youtube are supplied. Provider of this service is YouTube, LLC (a Google company), based in 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. See its privacy policy under . If you click on a video link, a connection with the servers of Youtube is established. Unless you are logged in with your personal Youtube account, no personal data can be linked to the video. The provider uses cookies to record non-personalized user behavior. You can block the use of cookies in your browser (see Adjust Browser Cookie Settings).

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC with headquarter in Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA), including its affiliates outside the USA,. ("Google"). See its privacy policy under . Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on users' computers and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by them. The information generated by the cookie about the use of this website by the users are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. IP anonymization has been activated on our website, so that the IP address of the users of Google within Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area is shortened beforehand. You can prevent the storage of cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, you may not be able to use all features of this website in their entirety. In addition, users may prevent the collection by Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to its use of the website (including your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google by using the browser plug-in available under the following link download and install. The current link is: .

Google reCAPTCHA

We use "Google reCAPTCHA" (hereinafter "reCAPTCHA") on our websites. The provider is Google LLC with headquarter in Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA), including its affiliates outside the USA, ("Google"). See its privacy policy under The purpose of reCAPTCHA is to check whether data entry on our websites (e.g. in a contact form) is made by a human or by an automated programme. For this purpose, reCAPTCHA analyses the behaviour of the website visitor on the basis of various characteristics. This analysis begins automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, time spent by the website visitor on the website or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis is forwarded to Google. The reCAPTCHA analyses run entirely in the background. Website visitors are not informed that an analysis is taking place. The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting its web offers from abusive automated spying and from SPAM. For further information on Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy, please see the following links: and note that by using reCAPTCHA fonts from Google Fonts are automatically loaded.

Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager (hereinafter GTM) on our websites. The provider is Google LLC with headquarter in Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA), including its affiliates outside the USA, ("Google"). See its privacy policy under . GTM may gather certain aggregated information about tag firing in order to monitor and offer diagnostics regarding system stability, performance, and installation quality. User IP addresses or any other measuring identifiers connected to a specific person are not included in this data. GTM does not gather, store, or disclose any information on our website visitors, including page URLs viewed, except for normal HTTP request log information, which is completely deleted after 14 days of being received. Additionally, Google may collect information such as how the GTM is used, and how and what tags are deployed. Google may use this data to improve, maintain, protect, and develop the use of GTM as described in its privacy policy, but it will not share this data with any other Google product without your consent. For further information on Google Tag Manager:

10 - Additional Information

Links to Third Party Web Sites:

Links to third party web sites are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, you will leave the AP Sensing site. AP Sensing has not reviewed all these third-party sites, does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites, their content or their privacy policies. Thus, we do not endorse or make any representations about them, or any information, software or other products or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites linked to this site, you do so entirely at your own risk.

Changes to the Privacy Statement:

All material changes to our Privacy Policy and practices will be posted on this page. The revision date shown at the top of the page will be updated accordingly. As the information at this page can be updated at any time it is recommended to visit this page regularly.

Contact Information:

Please e-mail questions or comments about our privacy practices to:

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