A single AP Sensing DTS device was installed to monitor the 8 kilometers of pipeline between the island and the mainland. Along the route is a series of excavation platforms.
A single AP Sensing device was installed to monitor the 8 kilometers of pipeline between the island and the mainland. Along the route is a series of excavation platforms.
The fiber optic sensor cable was installed along the length of the transport pipeline for temperature monitoring and leakage detection. At the beginning and end of the installation the pipeline runs through specially prepared trenches. Most of the route sections were realized withh HDD (dorizontal directional drilling) with lengths of up to 1400 m. Pipeline burial depths were around 5 m in the mud flats and up to 20 m in the HDD zones.
A highly robust, double armor plated sensor cable was chosen to ensure a smooth installation and also to provide continuous monitoring in case the pipelne rolls or shifts.
Valuable assets and a highly-sensitive environmental region remain protected.